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January 2021
How can we create
positive change in 2021?


Dan Thompson

     I don’t think everyone should necessarily be on the same page of music regarding “change.” Everyone has a different gift to offer the world. When we ignore our individual gift, we risk falling into dullness, bitterness and despair. When we are dissatisfied with ourselves, we begin to think of controlling the world by proxy, through marching along with a group, chanting someone else’s empty slogans, and converting others to “our” way of thinking – or worse, threatening people or forcing them to think as the group does. When this mentality, this soul sickness takes over in large numbers of individuals, we get violent uprisings, reigns of terror, totalitarian governments, or the mass slaughter we’ve seen in Cambodia, Rwanda and elsewhere.
    Discover your gift. Develop your gift. Give your gift. And be ready to discover that your gift may not be what you thought it was, what you wish it to be, or what others praise you for. It might be great or small, showy or nearly invisible. But if you find great joy and contentment in it, you can be sure that it is yours.  This sort of thing isn’t an intellectual exercise. You must have a heart that is open, so you can feel your way. And it could be a long journey, with many false starts and dead ends – or it could happen tomorrow or next week, and you will know.
    When there is no reign of terror, when there is no dictatorial state herding the people and pitting them against each other with lies and fear (as really does happen from time to time, when the people are not vigilant) then our gifts will be exchanged naturally and gracefully, without the use of force, and without middlemen.  We will then be a genuine, organic community of free people, and we will have little use for the hatred, violence, empty slogans and self-righteousness of political manias.
    Find your gift. Walk the path that is meant for you alone, and return to your community with the full measure of your unique worth. You will return to a world that has changed for the better.


Hester Triplett

      I think positive change is absolutely possible in 2021. The first place to start is right here. I would love for people to take the time to have conversations with each other face-to-face; conversations where we each take the time to listen and learn, leaving judgement at the door. Many of us have spent the past year reaffirming our opinions in every Facebook post we scroll across, pushing us farther and farther apart. I believe we have much more in common with each other than we are feeling at this point. Good conversation with a friend or neighbor would go a long way in healing the alienation we’ve all created.
   In a community that already has so many wonderful volunteers and generous people I feel a little silly saying that’s exactly what we need but we do. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, this is a good year to jump in and volunteer or get involved.  Creating positive change in our community is an ongoing effort. It doesn’t have to be a full time job – volunteer for one event or simply help a neighbor. To our new neighbors, I know it’s difficult to get out and meet your new community right now. Hang in there! We have a lot of wonderful events. They’ll be back.
    I believe thoughts are things and envisioning the positive change you would like to see is incredibly powerful. It will change reality. We can change our world by lifting it energetically. When we lift the world we create positive change. Above all else, be gentle with yourself and be gentle with others. I send you love and lift you to the heavens.


Afton Fleming

     Positive change in the world is a culmination of each of our unique intentions and contributions to the greater whole. By coming from places of grounded connection to the Earth we can visualize how to live in ways that create the most peace within ourselves and others. In these times we must think locally before globally because positive change starts at home before it can have a more far-reaching effect. If we are stressed or overwhelmed we cannot offer our best to people in our lives or the community. Once we establish proper routines to nourish ourselves spiritually and physically we can better manifest the world we want to live in and leave for the future generations.
    We must all start at the base of the mountain and find our own unique ways to the peak. Our paths may intersect along the way because this is the nature of community connection. Much can be learned by sharing different experiences and wisdom. The beauty in this human life results from knowing how to shine our brightest individual lights so we can more clearly see the light within others. Together in this way we can radiate a rainbow of positive change.


Justin Payne

     I believe 2021 is going to bring about a lot of change. I think people will keep “social distancing.” I think people will continue to wear masks involuntarily as a safety net in their minds. I hope I can change by helping, through my company and through my family, the community that we live in that we've grown to love so much. My father taught me it's better to take care of a problem now than to wait until you can afford it later and that's why I do just that. I'm thankful that my family has been there through thick and thin, from my oldest daughter to my youngest daughter. Having 4 boys and 4 girls, ages 10 to 32, has been a blessing and has also given us three beautiful grandchildren. And I’m thankful for my lovely wife, Tina, who I still call my queen, although her being a nurse has been a scary journey to say the least! I'm a firm believer in family first. I hope to bring lots of blessings and happiness to 2021.


Goldie Mariola

     I think it would be so great if we could move into 2021 with a collective goal of just being more kind to each other. One of biggest shadows I have seen come out of 2020 is how horrible people can be to others who don’t agree with them. To me, the most positive change that can happen is if we could all send love to those people that challenge us most. If we can remember that everyone deserves to find true peace and everyone is doing their best, we can create a more positive environment.
    There’s so much division right now, and we are forgetting that we all live on the same planet. What’s best for others is also what’s best for ourselves. What we do to others, we also do to ourselves. What we do to the Earth, we also do to ourselves.
    I like to remember how small I am in the grand scheme of things and that helps me enjoy the brief time that I have here on this awesome planet. Being in nature or looking at the night sky is such a great way to remember the magic and beauty that is all around us. In 2021 may we rise to the occasion of living with compassion for all. May we tune into love, and share it!

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