August 2021
What’s your best advice for new Crestonians?
Carmin Teeple
Don't try to tell us how to run things until you've been here for a while!
Loretta Covert
Don’t expect utopia - there is the good, the bad and the ugly here, mostly good.
Meryl Ennis
Find a group to volunteer with. Be part of the community by volunteering and don't try to reinvent the wheel. Find out what's already been done, what's happened, but jump in with both feet and volunteer and be a part of something. Be part of the community.
Kim Engard
It's good to think of this as your community and to put your heart and soul into making it work for everyone together.
Matt Evers
We out here!
Benjamin Byer
Spend all four seasons in Crestone prior to buying anything.
Shala Robinson
My best advice is that if you belong in Crestone, you belong. Because if the mountains welcome you and keep you, they will. But if they don't welcome you or keep you, they won't. And Crestone's lovely.
Sandia Belgrade
To love the land where you are, the trees, the quiet. This is not a city. Honor this place as close to nature as you might be. Do it good. Respect it. And if you do that, we'll all respect each other and have fun.
William Howell
So, welcome. I recommend that you get connected up, because Crestone is all about connections, with the End of Life project, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Crestone Peace Patrol, the charter school. There's so many ways to be of service and get connected up with the mountains, this sacred valley, with nature and the humans in the valley. They are one.
Josefina Gordh
Please do not ruin the very energy that drew you here. Leave your urban habits and expectations somewhere before T road. Honor the land, the water, the silence, the dark sky. Honor the wildlife, this is their home, they were here first. Drive slowly! And a warm welcome to you!