October 2021
What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
Barry Monroe
My favorite thing about Halloween is giving the candy to the kids and seeing the looks on their faces when they get it.
Lenore Ryan
My favorite part of Halloween is seeing all the creativity from the kids *and* the parents. As a parent of a now-adult who spent year after year creating Halloween costumes, I *love* watching the little kids come by.
How thin the veil is!
Deja Anthony
My favorite thing about Halloween is the celebration of life, even after death, and remembering that all things come from, not only nature, but life itself. Everything is breathing. Everything is living. And even after that breath stops, we still celebrate it in life. Death is a very powerful thing, but so is life, so they should both be celebrated. So, that's what I enjoy about it.
Andrew Martinez
I love seeing all the kids dressed up and what new things they put together for a costume. That’s the fun part. We have buckets of candy for all the kids, so we're the popular place! We put out our real skeleton every year, too, which seems to be a big attraction.
Susan Reycroft
I love carving pumpkins and seeing them lit up with their candles late at night.
Annmarie Kuhn
My favorite thing about Halloween is all the kids dressing up and having fun!
Jennifer Eytcheson
I love Halloween because it gives me a legitimate excuse to play dress up and make believe. We get to escape into something new and other worldly.
Shane O'Connor-Avion
My favorite thing about Halloween is haunted houses. And the magic of Halloween... it's like the magic of Christmas.
Deana Fisher Wilfong
I love the creative outlet Halloween provides. But more than that, I love the crisp autumn air and the feeling of the thinning veil.